how to remove nav bar atribution in blog...

Removing blogger navbar and powered by blogger attribution widget is a way of improving the look and speed of your blog. Since all bloggers have the navbar and attribution widget on their blog, then it makes the entire BlogSpot blog look unprofessional.
Remove Blogger Navbar And Attribution Widget

Today we are going to learn how to completely remove blogger Navbar and Attribution widget by properly deleting the codes. For Navbar, we have three ways of doing it. So am going to be showing you the three methods that work just fine.

What is Blogger Navbar

Before deleting the Navbar, you definitely want to figure out what it really mean and it's importance. Navbar is a default widget attached to every blogger blog by the Blogspot creators.

The Navbar is similar to the one on free WordPress blogs where you can easily log in to your dashboard that is if you have a blog. And aside from that, the Navbar connects all BlogSpot blogs together.

From the Navbar on your blog, a blog reader can easily navigate to any other blog. But despite its cool features, it makes the entire blog look unprofessional.

3 Methods To Permanently Delete Blogger Navbar

Aside from the method I am going to show you, blogger has also made it easy for you to remove the Navbar without even deleting the code but this affects your blog speed since the files will still load only that they won't show.

1. Remove Navbar WithOut Deleting Codes.

Go to >> Layout >> Locate your navbar widget. >> Edit.

Under the Navbar configuration, you will find various ways of customizing it. To remove it, go to the last option with is "Off". Tick that option and save. That's all.

2.  Remove Blogger Navbar Using CSS.

We can also remove the BlogSpot Navbar from our blog using pure CSS. We just need to define some CSS tags and it will stop showing but bare in mind that CSS doesn't prevent the code from loading. The Navbar will load but won't show.

Go to >> Theme >> Edit HTML >> Search for ]]></b:skin>

Just above ]]></b:skin> paste the below code.

#b-navbar {

    white-space: nowrap;

    color: #444;

    height: 0px !important;

    border-bottom: none !important;

    background: transparent;

    font-size: 13px;

    font-family: Arial,Sans-serif;

    position: relative;

    display: none !important;


And save.

3. Permanently Remove Blogger Navbar

This time we are not deactivating the Navbar, rather we are getting rid of it. Completely removing the blogger navbar. We need to delete only a few codes and that's all.

Got to >> Theme >> Edit Theme >> Search for <b:section class='navbar'

You will find the full code as shown below.

<b:section class='navbar' id='navbar' maxwidgets='1' name='Navbar'

Simply delete the whole code. From <b:section class='navbar' id='navbar' maxwidgets='1' name='Navbar' showaddelement='no'> down to </b:section>
Remove Blogger Navbar

Save your theme and that's all.

What is Blogger Attribution Widget

Powered by Blogger Attribution widget is a simple widget placed in the footer of your blog. Its purpose is to give credits to the designers of the theme but if you want your blog to be fast loading and also if you customized your theme by yourself then you can delete it and probably replace it with yours.

Completely Remove Powered By Blogger Atribution Widget

Go to >> Theme>> Edit HTML >>Search for <b:widget id='Attribution1'

You will see the below code. Just delete everything. Starting from <b:widget id='Attribution1' down to </b:widget>
remove powered by blogger attribution

Finally, save your theme and at this point, your Attribution and Navbar widget are completely deleted.

More From Author

This is the simple way of completely deleting the blogger attribution and navbar widget. That Navbar can be done by either deactivating it, using CSS or permanently deleting the code while the attribution widget requires us deleting the widget source code. Leave any issues or questions below.

Search Keywords: How To Completely Remove Blogger Navbar And Attribution Widget, How to Remove "Powered By Blogger" Attribution Widget, how to remove powered by blogger attribution, remove subscribe to posts (atom), remove footer credit link from blogger template, how to remove powered by blogger in mobile, remove powered by blogger css
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how to remove nav bar atribution in blog... how to remove nav bar atribution in blog... Reviewed by sarah smith on April 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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